Engagement sessions at Lake Choctaw?! — UM YES PLEASE. If you don’t know where that is, it’s about 20 minutes from Columbus, Ohio.
OKAY, SO HOLY MOLY — where do I start? These two babes aka Brittany and Dylan, took me to their favorite Mexican restaurant and then their lot, where their future home will be built! UGH THE FEELZ. They danced and ran around on their empty lot. They then laid down, and we took THE CUTEST shots of them giggling and Dylan picking on Brittany. Afterwards, we headed to Choctaw Lake for some g o r g e o u s sunset photos. Their original photo day was the day after the Dayton, Ohio tornados and with the weather and Dylan’s landscaping company working overtime with all the uprooted trees, we decided to reschedule.
I normally play music on my Bluetooth speaker during seasons, but we joked and talked so much I forget to play it! These two were so about each other and had such a goofy and close bond.
These two were so goofy and so fun and I can’t wait until their wedding day this November. SO STOKED!
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